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Running & Democracy

"Democracy is never a thing done. Democracy is always something that a nation must be doing. What is necessary now is one thing and one thing only--that democracy become again democracy in action, not democracy accomplished and piled up in goods and gold." Archibald MacLeish

This was written by American poet, Archibald MacLeish, and I found this quote when I came home from running a 5K Time Trial a few weeks ago. I can remember the exact spot where I was near Lake Harriet when I had my epiphany: Democracy is JUST. LIKE. Running!

I had about a mile left, and I had to dig in and push a little more if I wanted set a new PR for my 5K. I was feeling pretty good, actually better than I had been. My knee wasn't hurting, my legs felt strong, and, most importantly, my mindset was strong. But I had been kind of in and out of a good mindset for awhile, and I could tell that if I had I been engaged all along, I'd be able to crush that PR with a new PR.

And so, I was thinking about the ways that I had been engaged, and the ways I had not. I thought about the ways in which I had stuck to my training and the times I had done just enough to get by. I knew I had not been consistent with my recovery, and how important those active rest days were. And I thought, Boy, this requires my constant attention and nurturing, this is ongoing and dynamic. I don't get to put the work in once and then just continue to pull out PR's. I have to continue to put the work in, and be flexible with how training is going. I can't just sit back and watch other people put in hard work and then be frustrated when I'm not getting results like they are... Wow, what a beautiful, beautiful fall day. Oh, there's the tent community. I wonder how long they will let them stay in that space. I bet they need blankets...Political sign, political sign, political by mail sign...wait a minute...wait a minute...WAIT! Running--all those thoughts I had about running--it's exactly like DEMOCRACY! Oh my gosh! Oh, I get it! It's an idea, not a destination you arrive at. Progression in running is a dynamic process. Democracy is a dynamic process. Furthermore, just like I have to actively engage in the process of running to stay dynamic and achieve results, I also have to actively engage in democracy in order for it to work:

Boy, this requires my constant attention and nurturing, this is ongoing and dynamic. I don't get to put the work in once and then just continue to pull out PR's DEMOCRACY. I have to continue to put the work in, and be flexible with how training is going THE OUTCOMES AND MY FELLOW CITIZENS. I can't just sit back and watch other people put in hard work and then be frustrated when I'm not getting results like they are. THINGS AREN'T CHANGING.

Once again, for me, the power of running; teaching me lessons I didn't even know that I needed to learn. Time for me to join the team, instead of just sitting on the sidelines. Time to get in the arena.

Regardless of what we believe, we all need each other to make this work. The space between where I stand and where you stand is the sacred space of democracy. Sometimes it's an easy 400 meters between us, and sometimes it's a mountainous 100 mile ultra; doesn't really matter. In the end, it only matters that we understand we are all in the same race together.

"Democracy is never a thing done. Democracy is always something that a nation must be doing. What is necessary now is one thing and one thing only--that democracy become again democracy in action, not democracy accomplished and piled up in goods and gold." Archibald MacLeis